President Cristina Fernandez asked on Wednesday the resignation from the Central Bank chief Martin Redrado, for refusing to release the reserves necessary to form the Bicentennial Fund. In its place, and accepted the position Mario Blejer, a former head of the agency during the administration of Eduardo Duhalde. Redrado's resignation was requested by the chief of staff, Aníbal Fernández, at the express request of Christine.

However, the official news agency Telam quoted a spokesman for the owner of the entity, who said he "did not resign, despite requests from the Casa Rosada.

Unofficial sources revealed that Redrado would have agreed to step aside. Otherwise, the request for waiver must go through a complex procedure that comes into effect. According to Central Bank regulations, if the owner of the entity refuses to resign must be removed by the National Congress through a process similar to impeachment. If successful, the executive sent the statement to Parliament for a replacement to hold office until the expiration of the mandate of the outgoing official. In this case, until September 2010. Then the new president will again be a candidate and approved by Parliament.

Critique of Argentina, revealed that for today at noon the main reference of radicalism had agreed a meeting with President of the monetary authority to evaluate the use of reserves to pay debt to private creditors. The meeting was requested by the holder of the UCR, Ernesto Sanz. Gerardo Morales, president of the radical bloc in the Senate and another guest to confection, 9.45 last confirmed that the meeting is still standing and that "no one had shot down".

RESERVES. The delay of the Central Bank to transfer more than u $ s 6.569 million of its reserves to a national treasury account, as ordered by decree the President three weeks ago, emphasized the Government's discomfort with Redrado, which could lead to an incipient political crisis.

In this context, the first line of radicalism was to attend on Wednesday the Central Redrado ask in person, to refrain from implementing the decree of necessity and urgency which created the Bicentennial Fund IV.

REMOVAL. Central Bank president is a figure whose removal and appointment can be proposed by the Executive, but must be endorsed by Congress, as established by the Organic Act of the monetary institution.

In Article 9 states that board members "may be removed from office by the National Executive for breach of the provisions of this Organic Act.

It also indicates that the removal of board members "shall be decreed by the Executive when mediare misconduct or neglect of the duties of public office, whichever it count for the prior advice of a committee of the National Congress. The resistance to release reserves for debt payments to Anibal Fernandez is a dereliction of duty.

The plenary should be chaired by the head of the Senate, in this case Vice President Julio Cobos, and composed of the chairmen of the committees on Budget and Finance and Economy of the chamber, and by their peers of Deputies. As no agreement was reached between the ruling and opposition in the election of officers in Parlmento not yet know what the legislators would be.

On the appointment, Article 7 of the Charter says that "the president, vice president and directors shall be appointed by the Executive by the Senate. The economist Mario Blejer is the first national candidate to replace overplays Redrado. However, to reach its statement charge must be approved by Congress, where kirchnerismo lost its majority in both houses.

The executive committee may make appointments during the time it takes to grant the consent of the Senate.